Happy Holi 2019 Images, Quotes, Shayari And Other. you can check here Holi Messages Or pics For Whatsapp And Facebook.
In this Post, I'm Going To Share Something About, Happy Holi Messages 2019, Holi Messages 2019,. happy Holi Shayari 2019, Happy Holi Quotes 2019. If You Like Our Happy Holi 2019 SMS, Happy Holi Messages 2019, happy Holi Shayari 2019,Happy Holi 2019 SMS, Happy Holi Quotes 2019 Then Kindly Share With Your Friends And Other Whatsapp Group And Facebook.
In this Post, I'm Going To Share Something About, Happy Holi Messages 2019, Holi Messages 2019,. happy Holi Shayari 2019, Happy Holi Quotes 2019. If You Like Our Happy Holi 2019 SMS, Happy Holi Messages 2019, happy Holi Shayari 2019,Happy Holi 2019 SMS, Happy Holi Quotes 2019 Then Kindly Share With Your Friends And Other Whatsapp Group And Facebook.
Happy Holi 2019 Messages, Quotes, Shayari For Whatsapp, Facebook Group
Happy Holi SMS 2019
- Happy Holi 2019 SMS In Hindi
वृन्दावन की होली लठमार,मथुरा की होली फुलमार|
रंगों की आई फुहार,
मुबारख हो होली का त्योहार|
जला दो सारी बुराइयाँ,
मिटा दो सारी गलत-फैमियाँ|
अपना लो सारी अच्छाईयाँ,
मुबारख हो होली की रंगीलियाँ|
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दिल में उमंग लिए, हाथों में रंग लिए |
मन में खुशियाँ लिए, अपनों को संग लिए|
बुजुर्गो का आशीर्वाद लिए, बच्चों का प्यार लिए|
रंगों का खुमार लिए, होली का त्योहार लिए|
Happy Holi 2019 SMS In Hindi
राधा के संग कृष्णा की होली,
लायी है प्रेम की बोली|
रंगीले आसमानों से भरी होली,
लायी है खुशियों की टोली|
आओ मनाये छोटी-छोटी खुशियाँ,
तभी हँसेगी साथ हमारे दुनियाँ|
रंगों के साथ बिखेरो ढेरो खुशियाँ,
तभी झूमेगी साथ हमारे दुनियाँ|
Happy Holi 2019 Quotes
तुम भी झूमे मस्ती में,
हम भी झूमे मस्ती में,
शोर हुआ सारी बस्ती में,
झूमे सब होली की मस्ती में...
Happy Holi 2019 Messages In Hindi
निकलो गलियों में बना कर टोली,
भिगा दो आज हर एक की झोली,
कोई मुस्कुरा दे तो उसे गले लगा लो,
वरना निकल लो, लगा के रंग कह के हैप्पी होली..!
If You Want To Send Wishes For Special Friends Then Click Here
राधा का रंग और कान्हा की पिचकारी ,
प्यार के रंग से रंग दो दुनिया सारी ,
ये रंग न जाने कोई जात न कोई बोली,
मुबारक हो आपको रंग भरी होली !!
सतरंग रंग लिए आए होली,
गॉव शहर में छाई होली
रंगों में दुबे साथी सजनी,
होली है और धूम मची है,
भांग की खुमारी छाई है,
तन में मस्ती मन में मस्ती,
होली की मस्ती सब और छाई है.....
Happy Holi 2019 SMS In Hindi
लाल, गुलाबी, नीला, पिला हाथों में लिया समेट,
होली के दिन रंगेंगे सजनी कर के मीठी भेंट...
Happiness or no distance,
No desire or desire is incomplete
In this season full of colors,
Be colorful your world
Holi came and came and went,
Everyone's color will change in color
I take my innocent heart,
Know how many holi went like this
Holi is the time to develop understanding and love each other.
Let the colors of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness.
Happy Holi 2019 Quotes
Whenever you see Holi,
Night darkness bid me
Will give you morning color
In the morning, the eye did not open.
There was no color in the color
Khoshio had no hemp,
Such was my god,
Holy Holi was not ...
Wow Beautiful Holi Shayari Hindi
Mausam laga manaane holi,
Sarson panhane peetchunariya,
Jhoom rahi hokar baawariya,
Kyari kyari bikhari roli,
Hui magn bhoron ki toli,
Koyal boli meethi boli,
Mast hawa kar rahi titholi
If You Want To See Latest Images Of Holi Then Click Here
Happy Holi 2019 SMS, Happy Holi Messages 2019, happy Holi Shayari 2019, Happy Holi Quotes 2019, Happy Holi SMS 2019, Happy Holi Images 2019, Holi Festival, Holi Wishes 2019, Holi wishes messages, Holi Quotes Images, Holi Wishes, Holi Quotes
Happy Holi 2019 Shayari
- Happy Holi 2019 Shayari In Hindi
“दूरियाँ दिल की मिटें, हर कहीं अनुराग हो।
न द्वेष हो, न राग हो, ऐसा यहाँ पर फाग हो।।
इश्क की होलिया खेलनी छोड़ दी है हमने,
वरना हर चेहरे पे रंग सिर्फ हमारा होता.
पिचकारी की धार, गुलाल की बौछार,
अपनों का प्यार, यही है यारों होली का त्यौहार.
Happy Holi 2019 Shayari In Hindi
सुना हैं होली आ रही हैं, गोपियों हमसे जरा संभल के रहना,
क्युकी हम गालों पे रंग लगाकर दिल का रंग चुरा लेते हैं |
प्यार के रंगों से भरो पिचकारी,स्नेह के रंगों से रंग दो दुनिया सारी
ये रंग न जाने न कोई जात न बोली, सबको हो मुबारक ये हैप्पी होली!
होली में वो लड़किया भी अपने अंदर की होलिका जलाले,
जो दशहरा में
लड़को से अपने अंदर का रावण जलाने को कह रही थी !!
कुछ रंग बिखरे हैं अल्फाज़ो में,
कुछ रंग उड़ रहे एहसासो में,
हर रंग आज छू कर तुम्हे…,
घुल के समां रहे हैं मेरी सांसों में
होली मुबारक हो मेरी जान
Happy Holi 2019 Shayari In Hindi
जमाने के लिए आज होली है,
मुझे तो तेरी यादे रोज रंग देती है…!!
आ मेरे पास तुझे अपने हाथों से सवार दू,
लाल रंग के गुलाल से तेरे गालों को निखार दू
इस होली में तेरे गालों पे गुलाल लगाना है,
तुझे सुनहरे रंगो से भिगोना हैं
तुझे अपनी बाहो में उठा के
मेरे होंटो को तेरे होंटो से मिलाना है.
Happy Holi 2019 Quotes
गलियों में निकलो बना के टोली
हर लड़की की भीगा दो चोली
जो मुस्कुराये उसे बाहों में भर लो
वरना रंग लगाओ और कह दो हैप्पी होली
Wish You Happy Holi 2019
मस्त लगेगी तू इन रंगों की फुहार में…
तेरी चाहत में सनम खुद को इस कदर सवार दू.
सतरंगी हवाएं चल रही है चारो और…,
उड़द रहे है जो रंग उन गुलालों की फुहार दू.
इस कदर तुझे होंठों का जैम-इ-बहार दू,
आ मेरे पास तुझे अपने हाथों से सवार दू.!!
दिल ने एक बार और हमारा कहना माना हे,
इस होली पे फिर उन्हें रंगने जाना हैं…….!!!
Happy Holi 2019 Shayari In Hindi
खुशियों से हो ना कोई दूरी,
रहे न कोई ख्वाहिश अधूरी,
रंगो से भरे इस मौसम में,
रंगीन हो आपकी दुनिया पूरी
इन रंगो से भी सुन्दर हो ज़िन्दगी आपकी,
हमेशा महकती रहे यही दुआ हैं हमारी,
कभी न बिगड़ पाए ये रिश्तो के प्यार की होली
ए-मेरे यार आप सबको मुबारक हो ये होली
सपनो की दुनिया और अपनों का प्यार
गालों पे गुलाल और पानी की बौछार,
सुख समृद्धि और सफलता का हार,
मुबारक हो आपको रंगो का त्यौहार,
होली मुबारक 2019
Happy Holi 2019 Shayari In Hindi
दारु की खुशबू, बियर की मिठास,
गांजे की रोटी, चरस का साग,
भांग के पकोड़े और विल्स का प्यार,
लो आ गया फिर नशेड़ियों का त्यौहार
जब भी आती देखि होली,
रात अंधेरी मुझे बोली.
सुबह का रंग में दूंगी तुझको
सुबह ने पर आँख न खोली.
Happy Holi 2019 Quotes
होली आयी होली आयी और चली गयी,
सब की दुनिया रंग में रंग गे
मैं मासूम दिल ले अपना,
जाने कितनी होली ऐसे ही चली गयी
रंग नहीं थी उमंग नहीं थी
खुशिओ की कोई भांग नहीं थी,
ऐसी थी तक़दीर मेरी की,
होली की हुरदंग नहीं थी….
Happy Holi 2019 Quotes In Hindi
सुबह रंगीली शयम रंगीली
ऐसी आयी थी यह होली.
सब पर बरसे रंग कई,
पर खली थी मेरी झोली
- Happy Holi Shayari In English
Happiness or no distance,No desire or desire is incomplete
In this season full of colors,
Be colorful your world
Holi came and came and went,
Everyone's color will change in color
I take my innocent heart,
Know how many holi went like this
Morning Rangeel Shayam Rangili
It was such that it was Holi.
Many rainy colors on all,
I was lying on my bed
Whenever you see Holi,
Night darkness bid me
Will give you morning color
In the morning, the eye did not open.
Happy Holi 2019 Shayari
There was no color in the color
Khoshio had no hemp,
Such was my god,
Holy Holi was not ...
Koi rang na bikhera,
Na hi gulaal udaya,
Sundar ye roop tera,
Bas prem se sajaya,
Happy Holi 2019 Quotes
Holi Love Shayari in Hindi
Dilo ko milane ka mausam hai,
Duriyan mitane ka mausam hai,
Holi ka tyohaar hi aisa hain,
Rango me dub jane ka mausam h
Funny Holi Shayari on Girls from Boys
Rango mein ghuli ladki kya laal gulabi hai
Jo dekhta hai kehta hai kya maal gulabi hai
Pichle baras tune jo bhigoya tha holi mein
Ab tak nishani ka woh rumaal gulabi hain
Happy Holi 2019 Shayari
Such A Beautiful Holi Shayari Hindi
Mausam laga manaane holi,
Sarson panhane peetchunariya,
Jhoom rahi hokar baawariya,
Kyari kyari bikhari roli,
Hui magn bhoron ki toli,
Koyal boli meethi boli,
Mast hawa kar rahi titholi
Tum bhi jhoome masti mein,
Hum bhi jhoome masti mein,
Shhor hua saari basti mein..
Jhume sab holi ki masti mein..
Happy Holi 2019 Images, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Messages, Shayari and Whatsapp Status
It’s time for the celebrations of Holi 2019. Holi is called as the festival of colors and is one of the popular hind festivals. Holi 2019 is celebrated on March 20 and 21 (Wednesday and Thursday). Holi is celebrated in almost all state of India. On this festive day, people throw color powder on each other as a part of the celebration. People make sweet dishes, wear new clothes and wish Happy Holi on this happy day.
In this modern generation, people use Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media to send Happy Holi Wishes through PC, Mobiles, tablets etc. People send Holi wishes, quotes, images etc on their own languages such as English, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam etc. Here are the best collection of Happy Holi 2019 Images, HD Photos/Wallpapers, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Messages and Whatsapp Status that can be shared on the Happy Holi Day.
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Happy Holi 2019 Images
Check out the beautiful hd images, photos, posters, 3d animated pictures/pics and wallpapers that can be used to wish on Holi day.

Holi Images

Holi HD images

holi 2019 image
Happy Holi 2019 Quotes
Here the best heart touching, inspiring, funny and happy holi quotes. Use social Medias and messengers like whatsapp to share these quotes.
- Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors.
- Let the colors of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness.
- Make merry with colors on Holi and the rest of the days with the colors of love.
- May God gift you all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of friendship, colors of love and all other colors you want to paint in your life. Happy Holi.
- Holi is the day to express love with colors. It is a time to show affection. All the colors that are on you are of love!
Happy Holi 2019 Wishes and Greetings
Wishes and greetings are always special for every festival. Select the best wishes and greetings from bellow and send it to the dear ones.
On this joyous day.. Sending you my warm wishes.. May fun filled exciting moments.. Be with you.. Happy Holi

Holi wishes
Dipped in hues of love and trust has come the festival of Holi.

Holi greetings
Best wishes to you for a Holi filled with sweet moments and memories to cherish for long.
Happy Holi 2019 Messages, Shayari and Whatsapp Status
Here are the best Holi 2019 Messages, whatsapp status, Shayari, SMS, slogans to send on this celebration day.
- Even though I am far away from you on the happy occasion of Holi, all my thoughts and good wishes are with you. Have a wonderful Holi.
- Holi is the apt time to break the ice, renew relationships and link yourself with those that you wanted to with a bit of color.
- Moments Of Holi Are To Be Celebrated Together
So That The Memories Can Be Relished Later
These Are The Memories I Wish To Live With Forever
Have A Wonderful And Colorful Holi. - H – Happiness
O – Opulence
L – Love
I – Integrity
Now that you know the meaning, let me wish you a happy Holi!
- If You Want To Know Holi Information Then Click Here.
Radha and Gopis celebrate Holi with musical instruments.
National holidays in Holi, India and Nepal are an important spring festival with regional holidays in other countries.
"For many Hindus and some Hindus, it is a playful cultural phenomenon and it is the excuse to throw coloured water among friends or strangers."
It is also often seen in the Indian subcontinent. At the end of the winter, holi luni-solar calendar is celebrated on the last full moon day of the month at the end of the fox, which changes the date with the moon cycle. This date usually comes in March, but sometimes in the Gregorian calendar in late February.
It also has a religious purpose, which is proposed by Holika's legend. Before Holi night, bonfires are lit in the Holi festival or Little Holi. People gather near the fire, sing and dance. The next day, Sanskrit is known as Dhulli, or Dhuleti, Dhundi or Dhundendi, is also celebrated.
In the northern parts of India, children and youth spray, laugh and celebrate coloured powder solutions (gual) on each other, while adults see dry-coloured powder (Abir) on each other's faces. Playing with colors, and after cleaning, people bath, wear clean clothes and visit friends and family.
Like Holika Dahan, Kam Daham is celebrated in some parts of India. The colour festival in these parts is called colourful, and it is done on the fifth day after Purnima (full moon)
Holi 2019 festival has many purposes; Most importantly, it celebrates the beginning of spring. Literature in the 17th century, it is known as a festival that celebrates agriculture, recounts the good spring plantation and fertile soil. Hindus believe that it is time to enjoy the rich colours of spring and winter is called Farewell. For many Hindus, Holi festivals mark the occasion of the new year as well as to relieve the relationship of disruption and to get rid of renewed emotional impurities from the past, the end of resistance and the past.
If You want To share Holi Wishes messages Then Click Here
Happy Holi 2019 wishes messages
Holi is the time to develop understanding and love for each other. Here, is a platform for you all to renew your friendship and to express the heartiest love by scribbling a beautiful Holi message for loved ones.
'Bright colors, water balloons, lavish gujiyas and melodious songs' are the ingredients of perfect Holi. Wish you a very happy and wonderful Holi.
A true and caring relation doesn't have to speak loud, a soft SMS is just enough to express the heartiest feelings. Enjoy the festival of Holi with lots of fun.
Happy Holi to you and your family. We wish your health, prosperity and business achievements at this prism color eve. May Allah bless you with all his mercies!
Happy Holi 2019 SMS, Happy Holi Messages 2019, happy Holi Shayari 2019, Happy Holi Quotes 2019, Happy Holi SMS 2019, Happy Holi Images 2019, Holi Festival, Holi Wishes 2019, Holi wishes messages, Holi Quotes Images, Holi Wishes, Holi Quotes, Holi messages.
Wow, such a great work on holi sms